
April 16, 2024

Added the ability to include task labels during task creation, improved variable formatting in document generation, and made minor bug fixes and UI improvements.

Release Details

New Addition in Task Creation

Now, DigiFi allows you to add task labels during task creation, as well as task automation. Making it easy for the users utilize the task labels in the workflow and automations. For instance, when combined with a task trigger that allows you to select a task label as an additional trigger, you can automate the loan process, incorporating both task statuses and task labels.

Improved Variable Formatting in Generated Documents

Thanks to enhanced variable formatting, document generation has become even more efficient. Depending on the type of variable mapped in the document template, the generated document will now feature properly formatted variables.

This includes:

  • Number variables with thousands separated by a comma and fractions separated by a period.
  • Monetary variables with the same number separation, as well as the currency icon.
  • Percentage variables with the same number separation, as well as a percent icon.
  • Identification Number variables formatted according to the selected format in the variable setup.