February 14, 2024
The "Borrower Portal Setup" has been enhanced and now includes portals for both the Lending System (Test) and Lending System (Prod) (whereas previously there was only a Prod portal). Further, you can now restrict external access to the borrower portals by adding a password. Lastly, we have released minor bug fixes and UI improvements.
Release Details
Availability of Testing and Production Portals in the "Borrower Portal Setup"
The borrower experience is now accessible in both the Lending System (Test) and Lending System (Prod). Before launching a production portal, you have the option to initiate a testing portal and conduct tests to ensure a seamless experience for the borrower.
Additionally, the testing portal doesn't require a custom hosting domain. DigiFi will generate one for you, speeding up the launch process.

Password Protection for Borrower Portals
You now have the ability to limit external access to your borrower portals if you prefer to restrict access to all users except those with a password. We recommend securing your testing portal with a password, and securing your production portal until you're ready for live users.