
February 27, 2025

We have updated the main applications board to improve its usability and performance, especially for high volume lenders. Additionally, we have added Google reCAPTCHA on the platform side and a Google reCAPTCHA marketplace integration for the digital lending portals. Lastly, we have added a Google Analytics marketplace integration for the intermediary portal.

Release Details

Application Board Improvements

To improve the user experience for those working with applications in the board view, we have updated the application board with the following improvements:

  • Limited the number of applications displayed on the board to 1,000 (additional applications can be found using filters or search).
  • Implemented independent scrolling for each column.
  • Updated drag-and-drop behavior so that dropped items no longer retain a fixed position on the board but instead move to a column and are displayed based on user sorting settings.
  • Added the ability to move applications from the final status (if permissions allow) directly within the application details view.
  • Added the ability to include colored headers for workflow statuses, making it visually easier to focus on and track applications in specific columns.

We have also made two small improvements to the table view:

  • Preserved the selected view (board or table view). If you switch pages or sections while using the table view, it will no longer reset. When you reopen the applications, your previously selected view will remain.
  • Updated the "Application Status" filter to a multi-select dropdown instead of checkboxes, ensuring consistency with other filters.

Google reCAPTCHA Support

The DigiFi platform now includes built-in support for Google reCAPTCHA, a service that protects your digital portals from bots and prevents online fraudulent activities such as scraping, credential stuffing, and unauthorized account creation.

Google reCAPTCHA is enabled by default on the platform’s sign-in page and is also available as an optional integration for the standard digital portals, which can be enabled in the Marketplace.

Google Analytics Integration for Intermediary Portal

Previously, the Google Analytics integration was available only for the standard borrower portal. If you are using the standard intermediary portal, you can now enable the integration in the Marketplace to track and analyze user interactions on the production portal. The configuration process is the same as for the borrower portal integration, and you will need to provide a measurement ID.