The Send Email Verification Code API sends a 6-digit code to a user's email address. This is most commonly used to verify a user's email address during your create account flow. This step only needs to be completed once for a user account. The isEmailNotVerified
response header field will be updated (within the x-digifi-account JSON base64 string) permanently once their email is verified.
After this step is complete, the user will be emailed a code. You'll then have them enter this code and use the method for verifying an email verification code to confirm it. The code remains valid for 10 minutes, but if entered incorrectly, it expires immediately.
Please note the following validations:
- The accountAccessToken should be valid (real, not expired).
- Maximum of one request per 60 seconds.
- Email verification should be incomplete (not passed).
This API uses only headers (no JSON body is required).