API Changelog

The API Versions Changelog provides a comprehensive overview of changes introduced in different versions of our API. Stay informed about enhancements, new features, bug fixes, and any deprecations to ensure smooth integration and continued compatibility with our evolving API.


  • Plaid Proxy API was added ( Plaid Proxy API)
  • Get Application Documents Configuration API (Application Documents Configuration API was deprecated.
  • Task Object have been changed:
    • The autoPassCondition.formulaCompilation field has been changed to object which contains such fields:
      • ast - object or string.
      • version - number.
      • astCompressed - boolean.
    • The autoPassCondition.formulaRequiredVariables field has been removed (use formulaCompilation.customInputNames or formulaCompilation.systemInputNames fields instead).
    • The autoPassCondition.formulaCompilationVersion field has been removed (use formulaCompilation.version field instead).
    • The autoPassCondition.compressionApplied field has been removed (use formulaCompilation.formulaCompilation.astCompressed field instead).



  • Upload Of Integration Files API was added (Documentation)
  • The files field was added to Run Integration request to run integration with files.
  • The files field was added to Run Decision request to run decisions that has integrations that require files.



  • Added strategyId field in Application Events for application.decisionProcessed event data.



  • Task Comment object have been changed:
    • The referenceType field support has been removed (referenceType field will be populated to object for backwards-compatibility).
    • The referenceId field has been renamed to taskId (referenceId field will be populated to object for backwards-compatibility).
    • The applicationId field has beed added.
    • The productId field has beed added.
  • Updates to Create Task Comment body parameters include:
    • The referenceType field has been removed.
    • The referenceId field has been renamed to taskId (referenceId field will be supported for backwards-compatibility).
  • Search Task Comments query parameters have been changed:
    • referenceType query attrbiute has been removed.
    • referenceId query attribute has been renamed to taskId (referenceId query attribute will be supported for backwards-compatibility).




Important Note!

https://cloud.digifi.io/v2/_/api and https://sandbox.digifi.io/v2/_/api are marked as deprecated and will be removed soon with short notice.


Important Note!

The https://api.cloud.digifi.io and https://api.sandbox.digifi.io API URLs do not support trailing slashes. For example, a request to https://api.cloud.digifi.io/applications/ (GET) will fail with a 404 status code, but https://api.cloud.digifi.io/applications will pass.

Legacy endpoints https://cloud.digifi.io/v2/_/api and https://sandbox.digifi.io/v2/_/api will retain support for trailing slashes for backwards compatibility.




  • A new event type externalIntegration.processed was added to the Webhooks. It occurs when external integration is processed.


  • A new API version, 2024-02-26 (read API Versions), has been released to accommodate changes to tasks functionality.
  • All list endpoints will default the count value to 20 if it is not specified.
  • A query parameter identifierType has been added to the Get Application endpoint, enabling search functionality by displayId.


Important Note!

The changes outlined below apply exclusively to the API version released on 2024-02-26. Earlier API versions will continue to function as normal without these modifications.

However, we recommend upgrading to the latest API version to benefit from the new task functionalities and accelerate your requests. DigiFi will continue to support previous versions for a limited time but will eventually discontinue support, providing prior notice before doing so.

Additionally, the updates introduce updated, added, and removed fields to the task resource. To ensure compatibility with both new and old versions, we are passing both new and old fields to webhook endpoints that listen for task.created, task.updated, task.deleted events.

  • Task Object attributes have been changed:
    • The application field has been removed (use applicationId or applicationDisplay instead).
    • The assignedBorrowerField and assignedIntermediary fields have been removed (use externalAssignee instead).
    • The description field has been removed (use title instead).
    • The blockedStatuses field has been removed (use blockedApplicationStatusIds instead).
    • The dueDate field has been removed (use dueDateAndTime instead).
    • The assigneeType field has been removed (use externalAssignee.assigneeType instead).
    • The createdBy field has been removed (use createdById instead).
    • The updatedByfield has been removed (use updatedById instead).
    • The shouldSendAssignmentEmail field has been renamed to sendExternalAssignmentEmail.
    • A title field has been introduced.
    • An internalInstructions field has been introduced.
    • An externalInstructions field has been introduced.
    • An externalAssignee field has been introduced.
    • A blockedApplicationStatusIds field has been introduced.
    • An applicationId field has been introduced.
    • A productId field has been introduced.
    • An applicationDisplayId field has been introduced.
    • A version field has been introduced.
    • An assignedTeamMemberIds field has been introduced.
    • A dueDateAndTime field has been introduced.
    • A labelIds field has been introduced.
  • Search Application Tasks has been moved to the /search endpoint.
  • Search Application Tasks has transitioned to an eventual consistency model.
  • Search Application Tasks query parameters have been changed:
    • The assigneeId query attribute has been removed (use externalAssigneeId or assignedTeamMemberIds instead).
    • The assigneeType query attribute has been removed (use externalAssigneeType instead).
    • The notInStatus query attribute has been removed.
    • The teamMembersIds query attribute has been removed.
    • assignedTeamMembersIds has been renamed to assignedTeamMemberIds.
    • dueUpdatedDateFrom and dueUpdatedDateTo have been renamed to updatedDateFrom and updatedDateTo, respectively.
    • An externalAssigneeId query attribute has been introduced (optional).
    • An externalAssigneeType query attribute has been introduced (optional).
    • A productId query attribute has been introduced (optional).
    • A labelIds query attribute has been introduced (optional).
    • The count parameter is now limited to a maximum of 100.
  • A List Application Tasks endpoint has been introduced.
  • Updates to Create Application Task body parameters include:
    • The description field has been removed (use title instead).
    • The assignee field has been removed (use assignedTeamMemberIds or externalAssignee instead).
    • The dueDate field has been removed (use dueDateAndTime instead).
    • shouldSendAssignmentEmail has been renamed to sendExternalAssignmentEmail.
    • blockedStatusesIds has been renamed to blockedApplicationStatusIds.
    • Required title field has been introduced.
    • Additional optional fields have been introduced: internalInstructions, externalInstructions, labelIds, assignedTeamMemberIds, externalAssignee, and dueDateAndTime.
  • Create Application Task validation logic has been changed to:
    • The system will now throw an error for any unrecognized variables within the variables field, moving away from the previous approach of sanitizing arrays.
    • The system will now throw an error for any unrecognized statuses within the blockedApplicationStatusIds (blockedStatusesIds in previous version) field, moving away from the previous approach of sanitizing arrays.
    • The variables array values are now limited to a maximum of 300 characters.
    • The group field is now limited to a maximum of 248 characters.
    • Introduce validation for all newly added fields.
  • Modifications have been made to the validation and attributes of Batch Create Application Tasks to ensure they match the specifications outlined in Create Application Task.
  • Changes to Update Application Task body parameters mirror those made for task creation, including similar adjustments to validation logic to ensure strict compliance with new field requirements and error handling protocols, aligning with the validation logic updates made for Create Application Task.



Our legacy API version refers to earlier iterations of the API that have since been superseded by more recent releases. While this version may still be functional, this is considered outdated and is no longer actively supported or updated.