How to write formulas in the DigiFi platform.
Overview Of DigiFi Formulas
DigiFi's formula language is powerful tool that lets you write complex calculations using simple syntax and Excel-like functions. It is used through the DigiFi platform for a number of purposes, including:
- Calculation modules within decision strategies.
- Calculated variables within loan products.
- Display conditions in the lender application views, borrower profile, intermediary profile and application form.
- Status rules in workflow statuses.
- ... and more!
Formulas in DigiFi are simple functions that look comparable to spreadsheet functions, for example in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. They can include mathematical operators and built-in functions, and can reference variables (i.e. data fields) as well as system fields (see below) within the calculations.
Basic Lexical Constructions
DigiFi's formula language consists of few basic lexical constructions, including:
You can access variables within formulas by using their system name.
borrower_first_name + borrower_last_name
Operator | Symbol | Example |
Add, Concat | - | system_variable + system_variable_2 |
Subtract | - | system_variable - system_variable_2 |
Multiply | * | system_variable * system_variable_2 |
Divide | / | system_variable / system_variable_2 |
Divide And Floor | // | system_variable // sytem_variable_2 |
Equal | == | system_variable == 10 system_variable == system_variable_2 system_variable == null system_variable == true |
Greater Than | > | system_variable > 10 system_variable > system_variable_2 |
Greater Than Or Equal | > = | system_variable >= 10 system_variable >= system_variable_2 |
Modulus | % | system_variable % system_variable_2 |
Negate | ! | !system_variable |
Power Of | ^ | system_variable ^ 2 system_variable ^ system_variable_2 |
Less than | < | system_variable < 10 system_variable < system_variable_2 |
Less than or equal | <= | system_variable <= 10 system_variable <= system_variable_2 |
Logical And | && | system_variable && system_variable_2 |
Logical Or | || | system_variable || system_variable_2 |
Not Equal | != | system_variable != 10 system_variable != system_variable_2 system_variable != null system_variable != true |
Ternary Operators
Conditional expressions check to see if the first segment evaluates to a truthy value. If so, the consequent segment is evaluated. Otherwise, the alternate is. If the consequent section is missing, the test result itself will be used instead.
Expression | Result |
"" ? "Full" : "Empty" | "Empty" |
system_name == 10 ? "Yes" : "No" where system_name equals to 20 | "No" |
Native Types
Type | Example |
Boolean | true , false |
String | "some_string" |
Numeric | 10 , 20 , 100000 , -5000 |
Arrays | ['hello', 'world!'] |
Expression | Result | ||
(10 + 2) / 2 | 6 | ||
`system_variable && (system_variable_2 | system_variable_3)where system_variableequals to 10, system_variable_2equals to nulland system_variable_3equals to 40` | 40 |
Excel-Like Functions
DigiFi's formula language includes many commonly-used functions, including:
Date Functions
Function | Description | Format | Example |
DATE | Returns a full date based on date inputs (in MM/DD/YYYY format for Date variables and in UTC format for Text variables) | DATE(year, month, day) | DATE(1980, 4, 23) == "04/23/1980") |
DATEDIF | Return difference between two dates in days, months or years (based on Unit Type: D, M, Y) | DATEDIF(firstDate, secondDate, unitType) | DATEDIF("01/12/2022", "03/12/2022", "D") == 2 |
DATEVALUE | Returns the UTC date format based on a date input as MM/DD/YYYY (only assign these results to variables with the data type of "Text"; assigning to "Date" variables will convert the result back to "MM/DD/YYYY" format) | DATEVALUE("MM/DD/YYYY") | DATEVALUE("04/23/1980") == "Wed Apr 23 1980 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)" |
DAY | Converts a date (in "MM/DD/YYYY" or UTC format) to a day of the month | DAY("MM/DD/YYYY") | DAY("12/25/2008") == 25 |
DAYS | Returns the number of days between two dates (in UTC or MM/DD/YYYY format) | DAYS(endDate, startDate) | DAYS("3/15/2022", "2/1/2022") == 42 |
DAYS360 | Returns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year (twelve 30-day months) | DAYS360("MM/DD/YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY") | DAYS360("01/01/2011", "12/31/2011") == 360 |
EDATE | Adds a given number of months to a date. | EDATE(date, months) | EDATE("10/15/2020", -5) == "5/15/2020" |
EOMONTH | Returns the date of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months (in MM/DD/YYYY format for Date variables and in UTC format for Text variables) | EOMONTH("MM/DD/YYYY", months) | EOMONTH("12/01/2020", 1) == "01/31/2021" |
ISOWEEKNUM | Returns the number of the ISO week number of the year for a given date (in UTC or MM/DD/YYYY format) | ISOWEEKNUM("MM/DD/YYYY") | ISOWEEKNUM("12/25/2020") == 52 |
MONTH | Converts a date(in UTC or MM/DD/YYYY format) to a month number | MONTH("MM/DD/YYYY") | MONTH("12/25/2008") == 12 |
NETWORKDAYSINTL | Returns the number of whole workdays (M-F) between two dates(in UTC or MM/DD/YYYY format) | NETWORKDAYSINTL(start_date, end_date) == 31 | NETWORKDAYSINTL("2/1/2022", "3/15/2022") == 31 |
NOW | Returns the current date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY format for Date variables and in UTC format for Text variables) | NOW() | NOW() == "05/16/2022" |
TODAY | Returns the current date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY format for Date variables and in UTC format for Text variables) | TODAY() | TODAY() == "05/16/2022" |
WEEKNUM | Converts a date to a number representing where the week falls numerically with a year | WEEKNUM("MM/DD/YYYY") | WEEKNUM("12/25/2020") == 52 |
WORKDAYINTL | Returns the date before or after a specified number of workdays (in MM/DD/YYYY format for Date variables and in UTC format for Text variables) | WORKDAYINTL("MM/DD/YYYY", workdays) | WORKDAYINTL("01/01/2020", 10) == "01/15/2020" |
YEAR | Converts a date (in UTC or MM/DD/YYYY format) to a year | YEAR("MM/DD/YYYY") | YEAR("7/5/2008") == 2008 |
YEARFRAC | Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start date and end date (in UTC or MM/DD/YYYY format) | YEARFRAC("MM/DD/YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY") | YEARFRAC("01/01/2012", "07/30/2012", 3) == 0.578 |
Financial Functions
Function | Description | Format | Example |
ACCRINT | Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest (dates in MM/DD/YYYY format) | ACCRINT(issue_date, first_interest_date, settlement_date, interest_rate, par_value, frequency, basis) | ACCRINT("01/01/2011", "02/01/2011", "07/01/2014", 0.1, 1000, 1, 0) == 350 |
CUMIPMT | Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods | CUMIPMT(interest_rate, number_of_periods, present_value, start_period_number, end_period_number, type) | CUMIPMT(0.01, 360, 100000, 13, 24, 0) == -11934.45 |
CUMPRINC | Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between two periods | CUMPRINC(interest_rate, number_of_periods, present_value, start_period_number, end_period_number, type) | CUMPRINC(0.01, 360, 100000, 13, 24, 0) == -408.902 |
EFFECT | Returns the effective annual interest rate | EFFECT(interest_rate, npery) | EFFECT(0.1, 4) == 0.104 |
FV | Returns the future value of an investment | FV(interest_rate, number_of_periods, payment_amount, present_value, type) | FV(0.01, 10, (-100), (-1000), 0) == 2150.843 |
IPMT | Returns the interest payment for an investment for a given period | IPMT(interest_rate, start_period, total_periods, present_value, future_value, type) | IPMT(0.01, 6, 24, 100000, 1000000, 0) == 1080.231 |
ISPMT | Calculates the interest paid during a specific period of an investment | ISPMT(interest_Rate, start_period, total_periods, present_value) | ISPMT(0.01, 6, 24, 100000) == -750 |
NOMINAL | Returns the annual nominal interest rate | NOMINAL(effective_rate, number_of_periods) | NOMINAL(0.1, 4) == 0.096 |
NPER | Returns the number of periods for an investment | NPER(interest_rate, payment_amount, present_value, future_value, type) | NPER(0.01, (-100), (-1000), 10000, 0) == 60.082 |
NPV | Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate | NPV(discount_rate, value1, value2, …) | NPV(0.1, (-10000), 2000, 4000, 8000) == 1031.350 |
PDURATION | Returns the number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value | PDURATION(interest_rate, present_value, future_value) | PDURATION(0.1, 1000, 2000) == 7.273 |
PMT | Returns the periodic payment for an annuity | PMT(interest_rate, number_periods, present_value, future_value, type) | PMT(0.01, 24, 100000, 1000000, 0) == -41780.819 |
PPMT | Returns the payment on the principal for an investment for a given period | PPMT(interest_rate, start_period, total_periods, present_value, future_value, type) | PPMT(0.01, 6, 24, 100000, 1000000, 0) == -42861.05 |
PV | Returns the present value of an investment | PV(discount_rate, number_periods, payment_amount, future_value, type) | PV(0.01, 24, 1000, 10000, 0) == -29119.04 |
RATE | Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity | RATE(number_periods, payment_amount, present_value, future_value, type) | RATE(24, (-1000), (-10000), 100000, 0) == 0.065 |
Logical Functions
Function | Description | Format | Example |
AND | Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE | AND(logical1, logical2, …) | AND(1==1, 2==2) == true |
EQUAL | Returns TRUE if value equals to another value (with type coercion) | EQUAL(value, valueToCompare) | EQUAL(20, "20") == true |
GT | Returns TRUE if value greater than another value (with type coercion) | GT(value, valueToCompare) | GT(20, "19") == true |
GTE | Returns TRUE if value greater or equal than another value (with type coercion) | GTE(value, valueToCompare) | GTE(20, "20") == true |
IF | Specifies a logical test to perform | IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) | IF(3>2, "bigger", "smaller") == "bigger" |
IFS | Checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition. | IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, logical_test2, value_if_true2) | IFS(false, "Hello!", true, "Goodbye") == "Goodbye!" |
INCLUDES | Returns TRUE if a text string is contained within an array of strings. | INCLUDES("text", ["test_text1", "test_text2", …]) | INCLUDES("apple", ["orange", "banana", "apple"]) == true |
ISBLANK | Return TRUE if the value is blank string | ISBLANK(value) | ISBLANK("") == true |
ISDATESTRING | Return TRUE if the value is date string | ISDATESTRING(value) | ISDATESTRING("01/02/2022") == true |
ISEMPTY | Returns TRUE if the value is null or undefined | ISEMPTY(value) | ISEMPTY("12") == false |
ISEMPTYORBLANK | Returns TRUE if the value is null, undefined or empty string | ISEMPTYORBLANK(value) | ISEMPTYORBLANK("") == true |
ISEVEN | Returns TRUE if the number is even | ISEVEN(value) | ISEVEN(4) == true |
ISFINITE | Returns TRUE if the value is finite | ISFINITE(value) | ISFINITE(24) == true |
ISNAN | Return TRUE if the value is not a number | ISNAN(value) | ISNAN("NaN") == true |
ISNONTEXT | Returns TRUE if the value is not text | ISNONTEXT(value) | ISNONTEXT(987) == true |
ISNOTEMPTY | Return TRUE if the value is not null or undefined | ISNOTEMPTY(value) | ISNOTEMPTY("12") == false |
ISNOTEMPTYORBLANK | Returns TRUE if the value is not null, undefined or empty string | ISNOTEMPTYORBLANK(value) | ISNOTEMPTYORBLANK("123") == true |
ISNOTNULL | Returns TRUE if the value is not null | ISNOTNULL(value) | ISNOTNULL("123") == true |
ISNOTUNDEFINED | Returns TRUE if the value is not undefined | ISNOTUNDEFINED(value) | ISNOTUNDEFINED("test") == true |
ISNULL | Returns TRUE if the value is null | ISNULL(value) | ISNULL("123") == false |
ISNUMBER | Returns TRUE if the value is a number | ISNUMBER(value) | ISNUMBER(987) == true |
ISODD | Returns TRUE if the number is odd | ISODD(value) | ISODD(11) == true |
ISTEXT | Returns TRUE if the value is text | ISTEXT(value) | ISTEXT(987) == false |
ISUNDEFINED | Returns TRUE if the value is undefined | ISUNDEFINED(value) | ISUNDEFINED("12") == false |
LT | Returns TRUE if value lower than another value (with type coercion) | LT(value, valueToCompare) | LT(20, "24") == true |
LTE | Returns TRUE if value lower or equal than another value (with type coercion) | LTE(value, valueToCompare) | LTE(20, 20) == true |
NINCLUDES | Returns TRUE if a text string is not contained within an array of strings. | NINCLUDES("text", ["test_text1", "test_text2", …]) | NINCLUDES("apple", ["orange", "banana", "apple"]) == false |
NOT | Reverses the logic of its argument | NOT(logical) | NOT(1==1) == false |
NOTEQUAL | Return TRUE if value not equal to another value (with type coercion) | NOTEQUAL(value, valueToCompare) | NOTEQUAL(100, 101) == true |
OR | Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE | OR(logical1, logical2, …) | OR(1==2, 2==2) == true |
RANGE | Returns TRUE if a number or date is between two specified values (inclusive of endpoints) | RANGE("test_value", "start_value", "end_value") | RANGE(12, 6, 18) == true |
SWITCH | Evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value. If there is no match, an optional default value may be returned. | SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, default_or_value2, result2, …) | SWITCH(7, 9, "Nine", 7, "Seven") == "Seven" |
UNIQUE | Returns only unique items for provided array or list | UNIQUE(value) | UNIQUE(["a1", "a1", "a1", "b2", "c3", "d4", "d4", "c3"]) == ["a1", "b2", "c3", "d4"] |
XOR | Returns a logical exclusive OR of all arguments | XOR(logical1, logical2, …) | XOR(true, false, true) == false |
Mathematical Functions
Function | Description | Format | Example |
ABS | Returns the absolute value of a number | ABS(number) | ABS(-3) == 3 |
ACOS | Returns the arccosine of a number | ACOS(number) | ACOS(-0.5) == 2.094 |
ACOSH | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number | ACOSH(number) | ACOSH(12) == 3.17 |
ACOT | Returns the arccotangent of a number | ACOT(number) | ACOT(8) == 0.124 |
ACOTH | Returns the hyperbolic arccotangent of a number | ACOTH(number) | ACOTH(44) == 0.023 |
ASIN | Returns the arcsine of a number | ASIN(number) | ASIN(-0.5) == -0.524 |
ASINH | Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number | ASINH(number) | ASINH(-2.5) == -1.647 |
ATAN | Returns the arctangent of a number | ATAN(number) | ATAN(2) == 1.1071487177940904 |
ATAN2 | Returns the arctangent from x- and y-coordinates | ATAN2(x_num, y_num) | ATAN2(2, 6) == 0.3217505543966422 |
ATANH | Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number | ATANH(number) | ATANH(-0.2) == -0.203 |
AVERAGE | Returns the average of its arguments | AVERAGE(number1, number2, ...) | AVERAGE(1,2,3,4) == 2.5 |
AVERAGEA | Returns the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values | AVERAGEA(value1, value2, ...) | AVERAGEA(1,2,3,4, "apple") == 2 |
AVERAGEIF | Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria | AVERAGEIF([criteria_value1, criteria_value2, ...], criteria, [average_value1, average_value2, …]) | AVERAGEIF([2,4,8,16], ">5", [1, 2, 3, 4]) == 3.5 |
BASE | Converts a number into a text representation with the given radix (base) | BASE(number, radix, min_length) | BASE(15, 2, 10) == "0000001111" |
COS | Returns the cosine of a number | COS(number) | COS(12) == 0.844 |
COSH | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number | COSH(number) | COSH(12) == 81377.396 |
COT | Returns the contangent of an angle | COT(number) | COT(42) == 0.436 |
COTH | Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle | COTH(number) | COTH(42) == 1 |
COUNT | Counts how many numbers are in a list of arguments | COUNT(value1, value2, …) | COUNT(12, 14, 16, "apple") == 3 |
COUNTA | Counts how many values are in the list of arguments | COUNTA(value1, value2, …) | COUNTA(12, 14, 16, "apple") == 4 |
COUNTBLANK | Counts the number of blank cells within a range | COUNTBLANK(value1, value2, …) | COUNTBLANK("", 14, 16, "apple") == 1 |
COUNTIF | Counts the number of values within a range that meet the given criteria | COUNTIF([value1, value2, …], criteria) | COUNTIF(["John", "Andrew", "Alice"], "Alice") == 1 |
COUNTUNIQUE | Counts the number of unique values within a range of values | COUNTUNIQUE(value1, value2, …) | COUNTUNIQUE(1,2,2,3,3,3,4) == 4 |
CSC | Returns the cosecant of an angle | CSC(number) | CSC(12) == -1.8636795977824385 |
CSCH | Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle | CSCH(number) | CSCH(42) == 1.149904452858712e-18 |
DELTA | Returns 1 if two numbers are equal (0 otherwise) | DELTA(value1, value2) | DELTA(20,20) == 1 |
E | Returns the value of e (e.g. 2.718..) | E() | E() == 2.718281828459045 |
EVEN | Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer | EVEN(number) | EVEN(3) == 4 |
EXP | Returns e raised to the power of a given number | EXP(number) | EXP(4) == 54.598 |
LARGE | Returns the k-th largest value in a data set | LARGE([number1, number2, …], 3) | LARGE([3,5,3,5,4,4,2,4,6,7], 3) == 5 |
LN | Returns the natural logarithm of a number | LN(number) | LN(12) == 2.485 |
LOG | Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base | LOG(number, base) | LOG(12, 10) == 1.079 |
MAX | Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments | MAX(value1, value2, …) | MAX(12, 24, 13, 82, 1, 92) == 92 |
MAXA | Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values | MAXA(value1, value2, …) | MAXA(12, 24, 13, 82, 1, 92, "apple") == 92 |
MEDIAN | Returns the median of the given numbers | MEDIAN(value1, value2, …) | MEDIAN(12, 24, 13, 82, 92) == 24 |
MIN | Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments | MIN(value1, value2, …) | MIN(12, 24, 13, 82, 1, 92) == 1 |
MINA | Returns the smallest value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values | MINA(value1, value2, …) | MINA(12, 24, 13, 82, 1, 92, "apple") == 0 |
MOD | Returns the remainder from division | MOD(number, divisor) | MOD(12,5) == 2 |
MODE | Returns the most common value in a data set | MODE(value1, value2, …) | MODE(12, 12, 24, 13, 82) == 12 |
ODD | Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer | ODD(number) | ODD(2) == 3 |
PI | Returns the value of pi (i.e. 3.142...) | PI() | PI() == 3.142 |
POWER | Returns the result of a number raised to a power | POWER(number, power) | POWER(12,2) == 144 |
PRODUCT | Multiplies its arguments | PRODUCT(value1, value2, …) | PRODUCT(4,6,8) == 192 |
QUOTIENT | Returns the integer portion of a division | QUOTIENT(numerator, denominator) | QUOTIENT(62,11) == 5 |
RADIANS | Converts degrees to radians | RADIANS(angle) | RADIANS(90) == 1.571 |
RAND | Returns a random number between 0 and 1 | RAND() | RAND() == 0.213 |
RANDBETWEEN | Returns a random number between the numbers you specify | RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top) | RANDBETWEEN(12, 18) == 14 |
ROUND | Rounds a number to a specified number of digits | ROUND(number, num_digits) | ROUND(626.321, 2) == 626.32 |
ROUNDDOWN | Rounds a number down, toward zero | ROUNDDOWN(number, num_digits) | ROUNDDOWN(6.8, 0) == 6 |
ROUNDUP | Rounds a number up, away from zero | ROUNDUP(number, num_digits) | ROUNDUP(6.2, 0) == 7 |
SEC | Returns the secant of an angle | SEC(number) | SEC(180) == -1.671 |
SECH | Returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle | SECH(number) | SECH(180) == 1.343 |
SIN | Returns the sine of the given angle | SIN(number) | SIN(45) == 0.851 |
SINH | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number | SINH(number) | SINH(3) == 10.018 |
SMALL | Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set | SMALL(array, k) | SMALL([1,2,3,4,5,6], 3) == 3 |
SQRT | Returns a positive square root | SQRT(number) | SQRT(12) == 3.464 |
SQRTPI | Returns the square root of (number * pi) | SQRTPI(number) | SQRTPI(12) == 6.14 |
STANDARDIZE | Returns a normalized value | STANDARDIZE(x, mean, standard_dev) | STANDARDIZE(42, 40, 1.5) == 1.333 |
SUM | Adds its arguments together | SUM(number1, number2, …) | SUM(10, 20, 11, 14) == 55 |
SUMIF | Adds the cells specified by a given criteria | SUMIF([number1, number2, ...], logical) | SUMIF([10, 20, 30, 11, 14], ">15") == 50 |
SUMSQ | Returns the sum of the squares of the arguments | SUMSQ(number1, number2, …) | SUMSQ(3, 4) == 25 |
SUMX2MY2 | Returns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays | SUMX2MY2(array_x, array_y) | SUMX2MY2([1,2], [3,4]) == -20 |
SUMX2PY2 | Returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays | SUMX2PY2(array_x, array_y) | SUMX2PY2([1,2], [3,4]) == 30 |
SUMXMY2 | Returns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays | SUMXMY2(array_x, array_y) | SUMXMY2([1,2], [3,4]) == 8 |
TAN | Returns the tangent of a number | TAN(number) | TAN(10) == 0.648 |
TANH | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number | TANH(number) | TANH(0.2) == 0.197 |
TRUNC | Truncates a number to an integer | TRUNC(number, num_digits) | TRUNC(12.222, 1) == 12.2 |
Text Functions
Function | Description | Format | Example |
BUILDFULLADDRESS | Converts address variable to string | BUILDFULLADDRESS(variable) | BUILDFULLADDRESS(variable) == "Some Address" |
CLEAN | Removes all nonprintable characters from text | CLEAN("text") | CLEAN("mytext") == "mytext" |
CONCAT | Combines the text from strings into a single string | CONCAT("text1", "text2", …) | CONCAT("apple", ", ", "orange") == "apple, orange" |
CONCATENATE | Combines the text from strings into a single string | CONCATENATE("text1", "text2", …) | CONCATENATE("apple", ", ", "orange") == "apple, orange" |
EXACT | Checks to see if two text values are identical (case sensitive) | EXACT(value1, value2) | EXACT("apple", "apple") == true |
FIND | Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive) | FIND("find_text", "within_text", start_num) | FIND("M", "Miriam McGovern", 3) == 8 |
LEFT | Returns the leftmost characters from a text value | LEFT(value, num_chars) | LEFT("apple", 3) == "app" |
LEN | Returns the number of characters in a text string | LEN(value) | LEN("apple") == 5 |
LOWER | Converts text to lowercase | LOWER("text") | LOWER("APPLE") == "apple" |
MID | Returns a specific number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify | MID(value, start_num, num_chars) | MID("apple", 2, 2) == "pp" |
PROPER | Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value | PROPER("text") | PROPER("FIX this Sentence") == "Fix This Sentence" |
REPLACE | Replaces characters within text | REPLACE("old_text", start_number, number_characters, "new_text") | REPLACE("abcdefghijk", 6, 5, "_") == "abcde_k" |
REPT | Repeats text a given number of times | REPT("text", number_times) | REPT("-", 3) == "---" |
RIGHT | Returns the rightmost characters from a text value | RIGHT(value, num_chars) | RIGHT("apple", 3) == "ple" |
SEARCH | Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive) | SEARCH(find_text, within_text, start_num) | SEARCH("orange", "apple & orange", 1) == 9 |
SUBSTITUTE | Substitutes new text for old text in a text string | SUBSTITUTE("text", "old_text", "new_text") | SUBSTITUTE("apple", "p", "a") == "aaale" |
TRIM | Removes leading and trailing spaces and repeated spaces in text. | TRIM("text") | TRIM("apple") == "apple" |
UPPER | Converts text to uppercase | UPPER("text") | UPPER("convert THIS text") == "CONVERT THIS TEXT" |
VALUE | Converts a text argument to a number | VALUE("text") | VALUE("12") == 12 |
Table Functions
Function | Description | Format | Example |
TABLEAVG | Finds the average value of a column in a table. | TABLEAVG(variable, column_name) | TABLEAVG(income_details, "income") |
TABLEAVGIF | Finds the average value of a column in a table if a condition passes. | TABLEAVGIF(variable, column_name, logical_column_name, logical) | TABLEAVGIF(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer") |
TABLEAVGIFS | Finds the average value of a column in a table if multiple conditions pass. | TABLEAVGIFS(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEAVGIFS(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLEAVGIFSOR | Finds the average value of a column in a table if at least one condition passes (excluding blank, null or undefined fields). | TABLEAVGIFSOR(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEAVGIFSOR(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLECONCATROWS | Adds new table rows (returns a new table). | TABLECONCATROWS(variable, arrayOfRows) | TABLECONCATROWS(income_details, [{income: "1", name: "Henry", _id: '123'}, {"income: "2", name: "Jack", _id: '456'}]) |
TABLECOUNT | Counts all rows of a single column (excluding blank, null or undefined fields). | TABLECOUNT(variable, column_name) | TABLECOUNT(income_details, "income") |
TABLECOUNTIF | Counts all rows of a single column together if a condition passes (excluding blank, null or undefined fields). | TABLECOUNTIF(variable, column_name, logical_column_name, logical) | TABLECOUNTIF(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer") |
TABLECOUNTIFS | Counts all rows of a single column together if multiple conditions pass (excluding blank, null or undefined fields). | TABLECOUNTIFS(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLECOUNTIFS(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLECOUNTIFSOR | Counts all rows of a single column together if at least one condition passes (excluding blank, null or undefined fields). | TABLECOUNTIFSOR(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLECOUNTIFSOR(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLEFILTERROWSIF | Removes rows from table that do not match a condition (returns a new table). | TABLEFILTERROWSIF(variable, logical_column_name, logical) | TABLEFILTERROWSIF(income_details, "income", "<10") |
TABLEFILTERROWSIFS | Removes rows from table that do not match all the conditions (returns a new table). | TABLEFILTERROWSIFS(variable, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEFILTERROWSIFS(income_details, "income", "<10", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLEFILTERROWSIFSOR | Removes rows from table if at least one condition passes (returns a new table). | TABLEFILTERROWSIFSOR(variable, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEFILTERROWSIFSOR(income_details, "income", "<10", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLEMATCHESCONDITIONS | Checks if table matches one or many conditions and returns true or false. | TABLEMATCHESCONDITIONS(variable, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEMATCHESCONDITION(income_details, "income", ">10", "name", "<>Harold") |
TABLEMAX | Finds the maximum value of all rows of a single column. | TABLEMAX(variable, column_name) | TABLEMAX(income_details, "income") |
TABLEMAXIF | Finds the maximum value of all rows of a single column for which a condition passes. | TABLEMAXIF(variable, column_name, logical_column_name, logical) | TABLEMAXIF(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer") |
TABLEMAXIFS | Finds the maximum value of all rows of a single column for which multiple conditions pass. | TABLEMAXIFS(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEMAXIFS(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLEMAXIFSOR | Finds the maximum value of all rows of a single column for which at least one condition passes. | TABLEMAXIFSOR(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEMAXIFSOR(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLEMIN | Finds the minimum value of all rows of a single column. | TABLEMIN(variable, column_name) | TABLEMIN(income_details, "income") |
TABLEMINIF | Finds the minimum value of all rows of a single column for which a condition passes. | TABLEMINIF(variable, column_name, logical_column_name, logical) | TABLEMINIF(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer") |
TABLEMINIFS | Finds the minimum value of all rows of a single column for which multiple conditions pass. | TABLEMINIFS(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEMINIFS(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLEMINIFSOR | Finds the minimum value of all rows of a single column for which at least one condition passes. | TABLEMINIFSOR(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLEMINIFSOR(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
TABLESUM | Adds all rows of a single column together. | TABLESUM(variable, column_name) | TABLESUM(income_details, "income") |
TABLESUMIF | Adds all rows of a single column together if a condition passes. | TABLESUMIF(variable, column_name, logical_column_name, logical) | TABLESUMIF(income_details, "income", "isEmployed", "#TRUE") |
TABLESUMIFS | Adds all rows of a single column together if multiple conditions pass. | TABLESUMIFS(variable, column_name, logical_column_name1, logical1, logica_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLESUMIFS(income_details, "income", "isEmployed", "#TRUE", "jobType", "=Software Engineer") |
TABLESUMIFSOR | Adds all rows of a single column together if at least one condition passes. | TABLESUMIFSOR(variable, column_name, logical_columnName1, logical1, logical_column_name2, logical2, ...) | TABLESUMIFSOR(income_details, "income", "jobType", "=Software Engineer", "name", "=Harold") |
Function | Description | Format | Example |
MONETARYFORMAT | Returns formatted monetary value. | MONETARYFORMAT(value, fractionDigits = 2, useGrouping = true, currencySymbol = $, currencyPosition = left) | MONETARYFORMAT(11234.567) == "$11,234.57" |
General Functions
Description | Function | Format | Example |
Generates universally unique dentifier (UUID) v4. | UUID | UUID() | UUID() == 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 |
Accessing System Fields
In addition to using variables within formulas, certain system fields can also be referenced. These can be referenced as follows:
System Field | Reference |
Application ID | $application_id |
Application Display ID | $application_display_id |
Application Product ID | $application_product_id |
Application Rejected Date | $application_rejected_date |
Application Approved Date | $application_approved_date |
Application Created Date | $application_created_date |
Application Status ID | $application_status_id |
Application Borrower ID | $application_borrower_id |
Application Borrower Type | $application_borrower_type |
Application Intermediary ID | $application_intermediary_id |
Application Decline Reasons | $application_decline_reasons |
Application Coborrower IDs | $application_coborrower_ids |
Application Coborrower Types | $application_coborrower_types |