Clarity Services
How to add Clarity Services integrations to your loan product.
Overview of Clarity Services Integrations
Clarity Services is owned by Experian and specializes in alternative financial services data and solutions.
The following is a list of Clarity integrations currently available in DigiFi's integration marketplace.
Name of the Product | Category | Description |
Clarity Clear Inquiry | Identity Verification | Detailed consumer insights from Clarity (owned by Experian) to enhance credit assessments and decision making. |
Clarity Clear Bank Behavior | Baking Data | Service from Clarity (owned by Experian) that evaluates account activity, detect high-risk behaviors and identify fraud risks. |
Clarity Clear Credit Risk | Credit Report | Service from Clarity (owned by Experian) that uses data and analytics to evaluate creditworthiness and detect risks. |
Clarity Clear Fraud Insight | Identity Verification | Fraud detection service from Clarity (owned by Experian) that uses advanced algorithms to identify and mitigate fraud risks. |
Clarity Clear Advanced Attributes | Credit Report | Advanced data attributes from Clarity (owned by Experian) for deeper consumer behavior insights, enhancing risk assessments. |
Clarity Clear Digital Identity | Identity Verification | Identity verification service from Clarity (owned by Experian) for improving security and confidence in online interactions. |
Clarity Clear Bureau Lite | Credit Report | Credit reporting service from Clarity (owned by Experian) providing streamlined access to credit information. |
Clarity Experian Verify Plus | Identity Verification | Verification service from Clarity (owned by Experian) combining Clarity and Experian data for enhanced accuracy. |
How to Add Clarity Services Integration
To add a Clarity Services integration:
- Click on the card with the integration you'd like to add to your loan product.
- Download the documentation if needed.
- Click on the "Add Integration" button.
- Adjust the integration accordingly and save the changes.
Connecting Other Clarity Products
If you are working with a Clarity product that's not yet in our marketplace, you can manually connect it using data integrations or submit a request through our customer support for it to be added to the marketplace.
Updated 4 months ago