Document Generation
How to create standard document templates by uploading fillable PDF files.
Overview Of Document Templates
DigiFi’s platform includes the ability to create standard document templates by uploading fillable PDF files. The templates can then be used to automatically generate dynamically populated documents for applications.
A fillable PDF is an interactive document that includes certain fields that are editable.
You can create multiple templates for a single loan product and utilize them across various workflows. The document generation process can be done within an application or using automation.
Creating A New Document Template
To create a new document template:
- Navigate to Lending Setup > Loan Product > Documents > Document Templates.
- Click on “Upload Template”.
- Provide a fillable PDF, Template Name (required), and Description (optional).

Document Template Configuration
Once your fillable PDF is uploaded, you’ll be automatically redirected to the field mapping configuration. You’ll see the following information:
- Template Data Field
- Field Type:
- Text (Number, Date, Email, Text, Monetary, etc.)
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- Select
- Multi Select
- Variable Used

Field Mapping
After making sure that all fields are correctly imported from your fillable PDF to DigiFi, start mapping the template data fields with DigiFi variables, values or formulas:
- Click on one of the template data fields.
- In the pop-up that appears, select an option from the dropdown list (variable, value, formula).
- Add variable, value or formula.
- Click on “Save Changes”.

If you want to add a formula, by clicking the "Gear" icon, you can use our rule-building tool to create a simple rule with a single comparative condition and convert the logic into a formula. You can also create a more complex formula using DigiFi’s formula language.
How To Edit A Document Template
To edit a document template:
- Click on the three dots next to the template’s name.
- Click on “Edit Template”.
- Make appropriate changes.
- Click on “Save Changes”.
How To Archive A Document Template
To archive a document template:
- Click on the three dots next to the template’s name.
- Click on “Archive Template”.
- Confirm that you want to archive the template.
Updated 17 days ago