General Loan Product Information

How to manage your loan products in the DigiFi platform.

Introduction to Loan Products

Loan products control the workflow, data layouts, automations and all other aspects of applications within DigiFi's platform. They are highly configurable, allowing different lenders to implement their preferred workflow, visual displays, data structure, email cadences, task checklists, underwriting strategies, application forms and much more. Each application you process will always be connected to a single loan product.


Loan products enable no-code customization of the entire loan origination process!

More specifically, loan products include the:



One System. Multiple Products.

DigiFi lets you manage multiple business lines in one place. Multiple loan products can be similar (e.g. different types of mortgages) or completely different (e.g. personal loans vs. mortgages).

How To Add A Loan Product

To add a new loan product:

  • Click the Add Product button.
  • Complete the form that appears (details are below).
  • Click the Save Changes button.

You will then be redirected to a detailed section to begin configuring the loan product.

Loan Product NameThe name your team members will see in the system when viewing applications for this loan product.Preferred Plus Personal Loan
Borrower Type(s)The types of borrowers that applications for the loan product will include. Select "Person", "Company" or both.Person
Loan Product IconAn icon that will represent your loan product.Personal Loan
Co-Borrower and Intermediary OptionsToggles to decide whether co-borrower(s) and intermediaries will be never required, optional or always required. You can include up to 3 co-borrowers and 1 intermediary.Co-Borrower 1
Product Access PermissionsPermission groups that have access to the loan product and related items, such as applications, tasks, and more.Loan Officer
Digital Lending Portal AccessA toggle to make the loan product available on the digital lending portal for borrowers to apply.On

Change Log

The Change Log shows the history of changes within the selected lending product. You can see the changes, who made them and when they were made.